
Divfex bags RM16mil data centre contract


Divfex bags RM16mil data centre contract PETALING JAYA: Divfex Bhd’s 51% owned subsidiary Excel Commerce Solutions Sdn Bhd has accepted an award from Extreme Broadband Sdn Bhd (EBB) to supply and install data centre equipment system for a contract value of RM16.4mil. In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, Divfex noted the supply and installation of the data centre equipment will commence by the end of December and is expected to be completed by end June next year. EBB has been in the business of providing system integration, application development, network consultancy related services, data centre management, disaster recovery services and maintenance [...]

Divfex bags RM16mil data centre contractsafwanjamil2023-12-26T11:44:43+08:00



DFX公司获1640万合约 (吉隆坡18日讯)DFX公司(DFX,0131,创业板科技组)属下公司获总值1640万令吉合约,负责供应与安装数字中心设备。 董事部通过文告指出,51%子公司Excel Commerce Solutions私人有限公司收到来自Extreme Broadband私人有限公司寄出的得标通知书(LOA),将负责供应与安装数字中心设备。 上述合约预计将在2024年6月30日完成。 Original article




DFX公司获TM科技1158万合约 (吉隆坡1日讯)DFX公司(DFX,0131,创业板科技组)宣布,属下公司Finther Technological私人有限公司已接获TM科技服务私人有限公司的得标书,获得总值1158万3751令吉合约。 DFX公司向大马股票交易所报备,属下公司将为TM科技服务公司提供数字和云端分析服务。 上述合约为期5年,预计将提振DFX公司的2024财政年业绩表现。 Original article


为马电讯提供服务 Divfex获1158万合约


为马电讯提供服务 Divfex获1158万合约 (吉隆坡1日讯)Divfex公司(DFX,0131,创业板)通过子公司,接获马电讯(TM,4863,主板电信与媒体股)旗下TM科技服务公司颁发的服务合约,价值1158万3751令吉。 根据文告,Divfex公司将负责为TM科技服务的混合式云服务,提供数字表现方面的分析,合约为期5年。 Divfex公司在今日闭市报12仙,无起落,成交量为11万500股。 Original article

为马电讯提供服务 Divfex获1158万合约safwanjamil2023-08-02T15:08:32+08:00



DFX获马电讯云端分析服务合约 (吉隆坡1日讯)DFX公司(DFX,0131,创业板)宣布,获马电讯(TM,4863,主板电讯媒体股)委任为服务供应商,为后者提供混合云端分析数码表现观测服务,合约价值1158万令吉。 该公司是透过旗下子公司Finther Tecnologica有限公司,从马电讯旗下马电讯科技服务公司手上赢得上述合约,合约为期5年,预计可为2024财政年(6月30日结账)盈利带来积极贡献。 DFX公司周二闭市报12仙,股价全天无起落,交易量为11万零500股。 Original article


Divfex gets RM11.58mil contract from TM Tech


Divfex gets RM11.58mil contract from TM Tech PETALING JAYA: Divfex Bhd (DFX) has been appointed by TM Technology Services Sdn Bhd to provide the latter with visibility and observability as a service for digital performance and hybrid cloud analysis for a period of five years for contract sum worth RM11.58mil. In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, DFX said the letter of award (LoA), which was secured by its subsidiary Finther Tecnologica Sendirian Bhd, is expected to contribute positively to the revenue, earnings and net assets of DFX Group for the financial year ending June 30, 2024. The board of directors of [...]

Divfex gets RM11.58mil contract from TM Techsafwanjamil2023-08-05T00:18:09+08:00



DFX获马电讯颁发网络部署合约 (吉隆坡15日讯)DFX公司(DFX,0131,创业板)宣布,接获由马电讯(TM,4863,主板电讯媒体股)颁发价值943万令吉密集波分复用(DWDM)网络部署合约通知书(LOA)。 DFX公司是透过独资子公司--Diversified Gateway公司从马电讯旗下的马电讯科技服务有限公司手上接获上述合约,将为后者旗下的密集波分复用网络部署计划提供规划、设计、供应、交付、安装、测试、调试、专业服务、培训、保修和维护支援服务。 上述合约为期6年,从今年6月3日起生效,直至2029年6月2日。 DFX公司周四收报11.5仙,跌0.5仙或4.17%。 Original article


Divfex set to win TM’s RM72m contract


Divfex set to win TM’s RM72m contract The contract is subject to a formal agreement to be entered both parties TECHNOLOGY solutions provider Divfex Bhd’s unit has accepted a letter of award from Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) for a dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) contract worth RM71.82 million for a 17-year period. In an exchange filing, the company said the agreement is to plan, design, supply, delivery, installation, testing, commissioning, maintenance and support services of DWDM from Aug 1, 2022, to March 15, 2039. The contract is subject to a formal agreement between TM and Divfex’s wholly-owned subsidiary Dversified Gateway Bhd [...]

Divfex set to win TM’s RM72m contractsafwanjamil2022-10-28T16:01:50+08:00

Divfex Awarded 16 Year Contract From TM Worth RM71.8 Million


Divfex Awarded 16 Year Contract From TM Worth RM71.8 Million Divfex Berhad (formerly known as Diversified Gateway Solutions Berhad) has accepted a Letter of Award from Telekom Malaysia Berhad for the plan, design, supply, delivery, installation, testing, commissioning, maintenance, and support services of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing. The job agreement which is for a period of sixteen years has a total value of RM71.8 million. The group notes the LOA does not have any effect on the issued share capital and substantial shareholders’ shareholdings in the Company. It is also expected to contribute positively to the revenue, earnings, and net assets [...]

Divfex Awarded 16 Year Contract From TM Worth RM71.8 Millionsafwanjamil2022-10-28T16:07:02+08:00

DFX公司获马电讯合约 负责设计及提供密集型光波复用支援服务


DFX公司获马电讯合约 负责设计及提供密集型光波复用支援服务 (吉隆坡27日讯)DFX公司(DFX,0131,创业板)宣布接获马电讯(TM,4863,主板电讯媒体股)颁发的合约,负责设计、供应、交付、安装、测试、维护和提供密集型光波复用(DWDM)支援服务。 根据文告,DFX公司是通过子公司Diversified Gateway接获上述价值7182万令吉的合约。合约期限为16年7个月,于2039年3月15日结束。 该合约预计可为DFX公司的营收和净利做出贡献。 Original article

DFX公司获马电讯合约 负责设计及提供密集型光波复用支援服务safwanjamil2022-10-28T15:58:05+08:00